Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tech Reflection

This is definitely one of the most useful courses that I have taken in this program. Yet, I feel like there is so much more. I believe that I feel this way, not because of something that has to do with the course set up or the university, but because of the feeling that technology leaves us with. I consider myself, from a one to a ten, a strong seven in the area of technology. I still needs lots to learn and will go with what comes our way. But, technology changes so fast that I don’t know if can keep up with it. I mean, there are so many programs that keep getting created and are very useful, and we seem to want to take on all that comes our way. At times, I feel like I want to get away from it. It seems a little insane, at times.

The outcomes are definitely relevant and if anything stayed with me, it is the fact that we must not settle, but continually wait for the next change. Again, this can be good or bad. In a time when we must teach with more depth and quality, the quantity of technology and information is heavily upon, constantly. Therefore, the skills many not be grounded in our students, because we are always going to the latest.

The one outcome that I did not get and I truly believe it needs to be part of this course is the other side of technology use, what negative effects it may have on our educational system. There was a ton of information about how we all must go towards a technology filled classroom and how technology is the way of the future. However, there wasn’t anything on the psychological effects that technology can have on our children. Is there even research on this? I sometimes think we are reshaping our brains and what that may lead to, no one is really sure. It just seems that technology is a fast moving train and no one dares to question or consider how it will effect education, at large.

The course assignments were challenging due to the time required to do them. This is one drawback of technology that doesn’t get much mention. A PowerPoint is a great way to present, but a great presentation take time to create. For someone who has never blogged, it can be frustrating getting items posted. The part that affected me the most in not getting the completed assignment was the discussion piece; it was too much. The way I feel about collaboration and depending on other to do things, is the following: if I wanted to be part of a team and have collaboration and feedback from others, I would go to a nearby university and sign up for classes. Don’t get me wrong, I like this kind of learning, but I took on this Lamar program for convenience.

From this course, I learned that I have lots to learn. Technology makes me feel like it is a rat race all the time. There is constant information and too much for the brain to take on; it wears me out. I even notice that students get edgy and irritable when they are in front of the computer for so long. When I get kids out of the lab, they seemed to be zapped and tired out. I learned that the state is going fast as well and I better hang on, if I want to go on the ride. My attitude is not one of negativism, but of caution and careful consideration. I know that technology can benefit our students and as a leader of instruction, I plan to use it wisely.

Blogging has its advantages and will be a key tool in education. Just today, I found out that my next book study at work is going to be done via a blog. Again, this is nice and convenient but also makes me concerned. I mean, where is the human touch going? What is going to happen to personal relationships? Blogging will most likely stay, but how long, who knows? There is always something new and better around the bend. Learners after high school can definitely benefit from it and I believe public schools will soon use it more and more. The main concern for me is the ability for kids to talk face to face with each other and adults. It will only be a matter of time before students will not know how to address their teachers in person. They will never be able to connect with their students due to being simply “cyber” teachers.

Blogging can definitely be a good communication with stakeholders. However, it only serves those that have access. Most parents/homes still don’t have full internet access or computers to work with, specially low social-economic families.

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