Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week 4 Part 2 and 3

Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Professional Development Planning
Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology improvements, develop professional development activities that include the following:

Student Data, Technology and Teacher
Staff Development
Needs: One of the issues with technology and instruction is that the teachers are not actively implementing and monitoring plans to address the needs of the students. One of the great advantages of the technology available in the campus/district is that the programs can be easily manipulated to target the specific needs of the students. It needs to begin with good data and support from technical staff. Currently, teachers have the programs and data is often given to them by support personnel. However, nothing is done with that data; a teacher is simply too busy! This staff development aims primarily at getting the teacher going, helping her monitor the progress of students and make adjstments.

Goal: Enable teachers to monitor student performance through a more automated benchmark testing process and respond to needs of students by intervening using technology.

Purpose: Teachers can administer benchmark testing and evaluate results immediately.

Materials and Support: Edugence Student Data System, Study Island, SuccessMaker and
support from Technology.

o Review student data collection from Edugence (this program is used district-wide and contains all the data history of students, including previous years)
o Have every teacher do a middle of the year item analysis from the district’s Math and Reading Unit Assessments.
o Identify every student’s needs/TEKS that need to be addressed
o With support from the Campus Technology Facilitator and/or Campus Technical Assistant, set up an individualized tutoring plan using Study Island (Reading and Math) and SuccessMaker (Reader’s Workshop and Math Success)
o Have students work on their individualized plan during Computer Lab time, before/after school, and/or Saturday school.
o Monitor by having the CTA print reports (for teacher and principal) from both programs every three weeks.
o Re-evaluate and adjust plan right before Spring Break.

Week 4 Assignment, Part 3: Evaluation Planning for Action Plan

Evaluate and Change

Background: In the current year, instead of a district decision, the campus administrators got to select the technology instructional programs that they wanted incorporated in their campus.

Need: Technology instructional programs need to be evaluated for their effectiveness on student progress.

Purpose: Based on evaluation and findings, make decisions for next year that will make technology instructional goals be aligned to the Campus and District Improvement Plans.

Materials and Support: Edugence (data system), Study Island and SuccessMaker (campus selected instructional programs). Support from Technology.

Description: Have the Technology Department provide a comprehensive end of the year report the student usage of Study Island and SuccessMaker. The report must include pre-test and post-test data, skills targeted, graphs that reflect student’s growth, minutes used by each student and overall campus summative report. The same information/report will be provided by the CTA on SuccessMaker.
Programs Evaluation:
• Evaluate reports from both programs
• Present reports to staff and evaluate individually and as a campus
• Teacher Evaluation using the following:
• What student strengths and weakness do you see in the report?
• Did the program adequately address the needs of the students? If not, why do you think?
• Were you able to monitor the students’ progress on demand? Why or why not?
• Were you able to make adjustments (target needs) in a timely manner? Why or why not?
Overall reflection: If the programs implemented were not successful or maximized, why do you think that was so? Was it because:
 it was too difficult to manage and more support is needed?
 it did not engage the students?
 it was too hard or too easy?
 it required too much time to use?
 I (the teacher) did not make it work due to other reasons?
 Comments:

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